Round chair leg end cap

Remember to choose the end cap based on the external measurement of the tube. Round Chair Leg End Caps have many names such as tube end, tube leg, leg extender, plastic plug, furniture shoe, end plug, plastic caps, etc. You can choose from several sizes. Here you will find end caps suitable for tubes, table, sofa, and chair legs, as well as ironing boards, etc. To protect your floors and extend the life of your furniture, it’s a good idea to place end caps/felt shoes under the furniture legs, especially tubes, which can quickly damage the floor. The furniture lasts longer. Get inspired here, and feel free to contact us if you have questions. End caps protect ears from noise in places like schools and institutions. Under round end caps, you will find:
End Cap with a slightly curved head, with felt, with a semi-spherical head, Round End Cap with a flat head, End Cap with a strongly curved head, with bevel and flat head, with felt and bevel, End Cap plate plug with a slightly curved head, End Cap for chair and table legs e.g. for Arne Jacobsen including chairs like the Ant and the Series 7, End Cap with felt for chair and table legs,Rubber End Cap,Round PVC End Cap. The price of end caps is per piece.
Silent Socks Original and Heavy Duty, both of which also fit square legs.

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